What are the changes to Special Town Meeting 4 Warrant Article 1 that were agreed by Yes In Brookline and Brookline By Design?
On October 18, 2023, the Select Board voted to amend Special Town Meeting 4 Warrant Article 1 to incorporate a unified set of amendments agreed to by Yes In Brookline and Brookline By Design.
The amendments include the following:
- Several parcels were removed from the zoning map.
- Increasing the setbacks for parcels adjacent to T, F and M districts by 5 feet. for lots greater than or equal to 100 feet deep, the setback is 15 feet and the stepback for the fourth floor is 25 feet. For lots less than 100 feet deep the setback is 10 feet and the stepback for the fourth floor is 20 feet. Lots less than 100 feet deep can apply for smaller stepbacks by special permit.
- The Ground Floor commercial mandate was eliminated for the H-MSN zoning district.
- Short Term Rentals were removed from the use table.
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Harvard Street District MapAgreement Between Yes In Brookline and Brookline By Design