If we only change our zoning to comply with the MBTA-CA without incentivizing more housing, will we still be forced to accept 40B projects?

Under our current zoning by-law, the planning department projects that Brookline will fall below the 10% threshold that allows the town to reject 40B applications in September 2023. Regardless of how Brookline complies with the MBTA-CA, Brookline will continue to periodically fall below this threshold without new housing of which more than 10% is affordable.

Under the Harvard Street zoning proposal, many new developments on Harvard Street are anticipated to be four story buildings with more than ten units and 15% affordable units (pending EOHLC approval of Brookline’s affordable housing parameters). This would increase both the numerator and the denominator of the ratio used to determine if we have sufficient affordable housing to reject Chapter 40B applications.

How do MBTA-CA Guidelines constrain Brookline’s ability to create affordable housing?

What is Inclusionary Zoning?