MBTA Communities Act
What does the MBTA-CA require that the Town of Brookline do?
What are the requirements that Brookline zoning by-laws must meet to be compliant with the MBTA-CA?
What goals does the town have alongside compliance with the MBTA-CA?
Form-based Zoning
What is the difference between form-based zoning and Euclidean zoning?
Will MBTA-CA compliance create affordable housing in Brookline?
How do MBTA-CA Guidelines constrain Brookline's ability to create affordable housing?
If we don’t mandate commercial use, what will happen to all of the stores in Coolidge Corner?
How can we support commercial activity in our Harvard Street Main Street Corridor?
Harvard Street Zoning Proposal
What might the Harvard Street proposal accomplish besides MBTA-CA compliance?
Are there maps of businesses/buildings potentially affected by the Harvard Street zoning proposal?
Chapter 40B
Housing Choice
What is the voting threshold to pass a warrant article with zoning changes?